For example, the simplest such definition is that your prevision for a random quantity X is the value x that you consider to be a ``fair price'' for a ticket which pays X.
... tex2html_wrap_inline3235 .
Strictly, the inner product space is defined over the closure of the equivalence classes of random quantities which differ by a constant, so that we identify any vector, such as tex2html_wrap_inline3207 , with zero variance with the zero vector.
If 29#24 is not of full rank, then we may discard elements of D so that the reduced collection is of full rank. Otherwise, we may consider 30#25 to be the Moore-Penrose generalised inverse in the following matrix equations.
As an example of the type of simple rule of thumb that might sometimes be of use, observe that were all the elements of D to be normally distributed, then it would follow that


In certain circumstances, we might find it useful to approximate the distribution of 135#117, for example by a distribution of form cX, where c is a constant and X has a tex2html_wrap_inline3917 distribution, with tex2html_wrap_inline3919 degrees of freedom. Matching the mean and variance suggests a choice of 138#118 degrees of freedom and 139#119.

for example, tex2html_wrap_inline4775 will automatically be bounded if D has a finite number of elements

David Wooff
Thu Oct 15 11:56:54 BST 1998