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Belief specification

In general, the level of detail at which we choose to describe our beliefs will depend on

We must, therefore, recognise that our analysis depends not only upon the observed data but also upon the level of detail to which we have expressed our beliefs. The formal framework within which we shall express our judgements is as follows.

We begin by supplying an ordered (finite or infinite) list tex2html_wrap_inline3504 of random quantities, for which we shall make statements of uncertainty. We call tex2html_wrap_inline3506 the base for our analysis.

For each tex2html_wrap_inline3508 we specify

  1. the expectation, tex2html_wrap_inline3510 , giving a simple quantification of our belief as to the magnitude of tex2html_wrap_inline3159 ;
  2. the variance, tex2html_wrap_inline3512 , quantifying our uncertainty or degree of confidence in our judgements of the magnitude of tex2html_wrap_inline3159 ;
  3. the covariance, tex2html_wrap_inline3514 , expressing a judgement on the relationship between the quantities, quantifying the extent to which observation on tex2html_wrap_inline3167 may (linearly) influence our belief as to the size of tex2html_wrap_inline3159 .

These expectations, variances and covariances are specified directly, although this does not preclude us from deducing the values from some larger specification, or even, when this is practical, from a full prior probability distribution. We require that each element of C must have finite prior variance.

For any ordered subcollections, A, B, of elements of C, we write


to denote the variance matrix of the vector of elements of A, and we write


to denote the covariance matrix between the vectors A and B.

We control the level of detail of our investigations by our choice of the collection C. The most detailed collection that we could possibly select would consist of the indicator functions for all of the combinations of possible values of all of the quantities of interest.With this choice of C, we obtain a full probability specification over some underlying outcome space. Sometimes this special case may be appropriate, but for large problems we will usually restrict attention to small subcollections of this collection. (Thus, for example, if there were two quantities Y and Z which we might measure, then C might contain the terms tex2html_wrap_inline3520 ) It is preferable to work explicitly with the collection of belief specifications that we have actually made rather than to pretend to specify much larger collections of prior belief statements.

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David Wooff
Thu Oct 15 11:56:54 BST 1998