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Constructing new elements from old


tex2html_wrap_inline33790 tex2html_wrap_inline33790 Syntax

  1. BD>build : N tex2html_wrap_inline35794 =[(E tex2html_wrap_inline33794 )][N tex2html_wrap_inline33794 ] tex2html_wrap_inline34586 [(E tex2html_wrap_inline33798 )][B] tex2html_wrap_inline34586 [(E tex2html_wrap_inline35146 )][A] tex2html_wrap_inline34586 ... tex2html_wrap_inline33712

  2. BD>build : A tex2html_wrap_inline33712

where tex2html_wrap_inline35718 are the names of elements, tex2html_wrap_inline34844 are the names of equations (which must be enclosed in round brackets), tex2html_wrap_inline34520 is the name of a base, and A is the name of an assignment

tex2html_wrap_inline33806 tex2html_wrap_inline33806

In the first form of the syntax, the BUILD:  command is used to construct a new element from a linear combination of former elements, assignments, and components. In the second form of the syntax, the command is used to build a given assignment. The second form of the syntax is equivalent to issuing the first form of the syntax with

BD>build : A=A tex2html_wrap_inline33712

so that the assignment of the same name is constructed to be an element. Each construction takes place separately in every unlocked belief store. Expectations are only constructed in unlocked expectation stores. The LOCK:  and ELOCK:  commands may be used to change locks.

Base names may be included in the definition part to mean the sum of every element in the base, and where each element will take the coefficient given by the equation preceding the base name. For example, we might build the average of the base named B by issuing the command

BD>build : average=(1/count (B))B tex2html_wrap_inline33712

Each BUILD:  command has a definition part which, after tracking through any assignments (possible recursively, and possibly taking taking into account any varying indices) will result in a linear combination of elements and components. Whenever there is a possible confusion between element names and assignment names, the element names have priority. To force the use of an assignment in case of doubt, the assignment name may be prefixed with the `!' symbol. Thus, for each name N in the definition part, the names of elements are checked firstly. If N is not an element, the assignment names are checked. If in addition N is not recognised as an assignment, it is assumed to be a component. The distinctions are that elements have beliefs explicitly associated with them; assignments are themselves lists of similar elements and components; and components may have functional beliefs specified over them. Note that an assignment is parsed recursively deeper until the definition part is a linear combination of either built elements or components, but never assignments. Actual construction of beliefs then takes place, searching for functional declarations if need be. The element being defined might already exist, in which case it will be overwritten. If the element already exists and appears in the definition part, the former definition is used fully as required, and then finally replaced after the conclusion of all calculations. Equations which have no succeeding element or assignment or component are treated as scalar parts of the linear combination, and are included in determining the expectation for the element.

Once any assignments have been traced through, the definition part for the new element tex2html_wrap_inline34952 will be of the form tex2html_wrap_inline35726 , where tex2html_wrap_inline34628 is some scalar, tex2html_wrap_inline35730 is a vector of coefficients for the vector of elements tex2html_wrap_inline35430 , and tex2html_wrap_inline35734 is a vector of coefficients for the vector of components tex2html_wrap_inline34522 . We may assume that tex2html_wrap_inline35430 consists of all the elements defined to date, with corresponding tex2html_wrap_inline35740 if the element is excluded from the definition part. Beliefs over N are constructed as follows.

  1. The expectation are found by


    where all quantities are known except the vector tex2html_wrap_inline35748 . tex2html_wrap_inline35750 is assumed to be zero unless an expectation has specifically been given for the component tex2html_wrap_inline35752 by using the FE:  command.

  2. The variance is found by


    where tex2html_wrap_inline35762 is a known matrix. The matrices tex2html_wrap_inline35764 (consisting of specifcations such as tex2html_wrap_inline35766 ) and tex2html_wrap_inline35768 (consisting of specifications such as tex2html_wrap_inline35770 ) are assumed to have all their entries equal to zero except as specified by FVAR:  commands relating the elements to components, and components to components.

  3. The covariance between tex2html_wrap_inline34952 and the other elements is found by


    where tex2html_wrap_inline35780 is known, and tex2html_wrap_inline35764 is addressed above. It is most important to understand that the BUILD:  command is essentially memoryless: built elements do not remember their original definition parts. In particular, the component parts of the definition will not be taken into account in future use of the element. To illustrate the deficiency, suppose that you use the BUILD:  command to construct firstly


    followed by


    This will result in the wrong value for tex2html_wrap_inline35784 being calculated as the term tex2html_wrap_inline35786 will be absent. This term is absent because the linear combination used to construct tex2html_wrap_inline35788 has been forgotten; it is ``remembered'' only through the elements X, and not through the components C.

    To avoid this problem, the COBUILD:  can be used to build elements from functional declarations, and to build up a large number of covariance structures together, but is generally considerably slower.

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David Wooff
Wed Oct 21 15:14:31 BST 1998