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Accessing eigenvalue results

The following operators and operands are used to access the results of the INVERT:  and EIGEN:  commands. Suppose that the tex2html_wrap_inline38466 matrix tex2html_wrap_inline35480 (A must be symmetric) is supplied to either of these two commands, and suppose that the ordered eigenvalues of tex2html_wrap_inline35480 are tex2html_wrap_inline44124 corresponding to eigenvectors tex2html_wrap_inline44126 . These eigenvectors are optionally retained as assignments using the eig  argument to the KEEP:  command, and might be accessed using the ascf  operator.

Matrix rank

tex2html_wrap_inline33790 tex2html_wrap_inline33790 Usage

tex2html_wrap_inline33806 tex2html_wrap_inline33806

This returns the number of positive eigenvalues of the matrix A. If the matrix was non-negative definite then this is equivalent to the rank.  

Matrix trace

tex2html_wrap_inline33790 tex2html_wrap_inline33790 Usage

  • eigtr  operand.

tex2html_wrap_inline33806 tex2html_wrap_inline33806

This returns the trace of the matrix A.  

Matrix eigenvalues

tex2html_wrap_inline33790 tex2html_wrap_inline33790 Usage

  • eig  operator; one argument i in parenthesis. i is any valid equation, rounded to the nearest integer.

tex2html_wrap_inline33806 tex2html_wrap_inline33806

This returns the ith ordered eigenvalue of the matrix A, namely tex2html_wrap_inline44128 , provided that tex2html_wrap_inline44130 . Otherwise an error occurs.  

David Wooff
Wed Oct 21 15:14:31 BST 1998