Project IV


Prof F.P.A. Coolen


Reliability theory is a wide topic area of research and applications, considering the reliable functioning of engineering systems and related aspects such as inspection and maintenance planning. It brings together subjects including statistics, operations research and decision theory and contributes to all areas where systems function under uncertainty.

Within this project, a range of topics can be studied in detail. These can range from purely theoretical topics to quite applied projects, for the latter we could e.g. link up with researchers from the Durham Engineering Department to consider aspects of reliability of energy systems.


At least one level 3 module on Statistics, Operations Research, Probability or Decision Theory - ideally you have completed several such modules.

Further information

You will find very (too..) much information online when googling for `Reliability Engineering' or similar key words, and there are many relevant books in the library and journals (online via the Durham University Library). It would be best to contact me (best by email) to discuss how specific areas of your interest can be linked to suitable topics within `Reliability'.

email: Frank Coolen
