Project III, 2023-2024

Geometric Constructions

Anna Felikson

Geometric constructions lie in the very heart and origin of geometry - "Geo-metry" is the measurement of land. For the practical task, one has some specific set of intruments and needs to be able to use them for building specific shapes or comparing land areas and so on. In the mathematical question, one can consider the following aspects: One can consider the above questions in different geometries and based on different set of tools/operations. The classical example for the question is ruler and compass constructions in Euclidean geometry. For instance, it is easy to show that an angle can be bisected using ruler and compass, but angle trisection is impossible for a general angle. At the same time, there is a simple construction allowing to trisect a segment (or even cut it into n equal parts for any positive integer n).
Prerequisites: Algebra II. Corequisites: Geometry III.


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email: Anna Felikson