par(mfrow=c(3,2)) ############################# C #################################### # Simulation of the letter 'C' for moderate (c1) and large (c2) noise t<-seq(pi/2+0.2,3*pi/2-0.2, length=60) cx<-cos(t) cy<-sin(t) scx<-rnorm(60,0,0.01) scy<-rnorm(60,0,0.01) ecx<-rnorm(60,0,0.1) ecy<-rnorm(60,0,0.1) cx1<-cx+scx cy1<-cy+scy cx2<-cx+ecx cy2<-cy+ecy # Plot data without LPC # par(mfrow=c(1,2)) # plot(cx1, cy1) # plot(cx2, cy2) c1<-cbind(cx1,cy1); c2<-cbind(cx2,cy2) # LPC's for 'C' # par(mfrow=c(1,2)) lpc.c1<-lpc(c1, h= c(0.1,0.1), t0=0.1, iter=50, way="two",pen=T, penpot=2, mult=1, depth=1, plotlpc=3) lpc.c2<-lpc(c2, h= c(0.15,0.15), t0=0.15, iter=50, way="two", pen=T, penpot=2, mult=1, depth=1, plotlpc=3) # The red points along the fitted curves correspond to the local centers of mass # as described in [1]. ############################## E ########################################## # Simulation of the letter 'E' for moderate (e1) and large (e2) noise ex<-append(rep(0,40), append(seq(0,1,length=20), append(seq(0,1,length=20),seq(0,1,length=20)))) ey<-append(seq(0,2,length=40), append(rep(0,20), append(rep(1,20), rep(2,20)))) sex<-rnorm(100,0,0.01) sey<-rnorm(100,0,0.01) eex<-rnorm(100,0,0.1) eey<-rnorm(100,0,0.1) ex1<-ex+sex ey1<-ey+sey ex2<-ex+eex ey2<-ey+eey # Plot data without LPC # par(mfrow=c(1,2)) # plot(ex1, ey1) # plot(ex2, ey2) e1<-cbind(ex1,ey1); e2<-cbind(ex2,ey2) # LPC's for 'E' # par(mfrow=c(1,2)) lpc.e1<-lpc(e1, h= c(0.1,0.1), t0=0.1, iter=50, way= "two", pen=T, penpot=2, mult=1, depth=2, plotlpc=3) lpc.e2<-lpc(e2, h= c(0.15,0.15), t0=0.1, iter=50, way= "two", pen=T, penpot=2, mult=1, depth=2, thresh=0.3) # Remark: The bandwidth for the noisy 'E' is set to 0.15, which is slighty higher than in [2], # but gives smoother curves. Not every time the choice depth =2 is successful - depending on the starting point one might # need depth =3. For the letter 'K' this is similar. # Red branches: depth=1; green branches: depth=2 ################################ K ######################################### # Simulation of the letter 'K' for moderate (k1) and large (k2) noise kx<-append(rep(0,40), append(seq(0,1,length=30), seq(0.3,1.0,length=20))) ky<-append(seq(0,2,length=40), append(kx[41:70]+0.6 , -1.1*kx[71:90]+1.1 )) ekx<-rnorm(90,0,0.07) eky<-rnorm(90,0,0.07) skx<-rnorm(90,0,0.01) sky<-rnorm(90,0,0.01) kx1<-kx+skx ky1<-ky+sky kx2<-kx+ekx ky2<-ky+eky # Plot data without LPC # par(mfrow=c(1,2)) # plot(kx1, ky1) # plot(kx2, ky2) # LPC's for 'K' k1<-cbind(kx1,ky1); k2<-cbind(kx2,ky2) # par(mfrow=c(1,2)) lpc.k1<-lpc(k1, h= c(0.08,0.08), t0=0.08, x0=c(1,1.5), iter=50, way="two", pen=T, penpot=2, mult=1, depth=3, plotlpc=3) lpc.k2<-lpc(k2, h= c(0.15,0.15), t0=0.15, iter=50, way="two", pen=T, penpot=2, mult=1, depth=2, thresh=0.1, plotlpc=3) # Red branches: depth=1; green branches: depth=2; blue branches: depth=3 # Note that no multiple initializations are used thoughout all examples - # the different branches are exclusively launched by starting points of second order # stemming from high second local principal components # (Einbeck, Tutz & Evers, 2005b, in Proc of the GfKl Dortmund 2004).