{LPC} - Record of changes and updates

Version Date
0.34 03/07/2009 A minor bug in lpc.project.spline was fixed. More graphical parameters supported for plots of splines and projections. [available on request from jochen.einbeck"at"durham.ac.uk ]
0.33 26/06/2009 The first "real" R package version. Includes all spline/projection functions used in Einbeck, Evers and Hinchliff (2009) which were in parts implemented by L. Evers. Improvement of the boundary correction (making sure it does not affect adversely the fit in the interior).
0.32-1 13/03/2009 Last source code version of lpc. Features a boundary correction suggested by M. Zayed [not published online].
0.32 16/10/2007 Source code version of lpc. A bug relating the initialization of multiple random starting points was fixed. For all dimensions d ≥ 2, the (unit-speed) parameterization is now accessible in the fitted lpc object [last source code version published online].
0.31 07/10/2007 Source code version of lpc. Default settings for all tuning parameters, an arbitrary number of starting points can be specified by hand, and the possibility to scale the data automatically onto the [0,1] range in each direction (facilitating bandwidth selection).
0.20 - 0.30 21/08/2006- 10/09/2007 Early source code versions of lpc, based on Einbeck, Tutz, and Evers (2005) [published on the web since August 2006].

[Package LPC ]