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Durham Cathedral

EPSRC - London Mathematical Society Durham Symposium
Automorphic Forms and Galois Representations
Monday 18 July -- Thursday 28 July 2011
Online formal talks
Abrashkin A semi-stable case of the Shafarevich Conjecture wmv wmv
Berger L1: (phi,Gamma)-modules wmv wmv
Breuil Extensions between Galois characters and mod p local-global compatibility for GL2 wmv wmv
Brown Mixed Tate motives over Z and fundamental group of P^1 minus 3 points wmv wmv
Burns On main conjectures in geometric Iwasawa theory and related conjectures wmv wmv
Bushnell To an effective local Langlands correspondence wmv wmv
Buzzard Reductions of 2-dimensional crystalline representations. wmv wmv
Chaudouard L3: Geometry of the fundamental lemma wmv wmv
Chenevier Kneser neighbours and orthogonal Galois representations in dimensions 16 and 24 wmv wmv
Colmez L1: (phi,Gamma)-modules and representations of GL(2,Qp), I wmv wmv
Colmez L1: (phi,Gamma)-modules and representations of GL(2,Qp), II wmv wmv
Darmon A p-adic Gross-Zagier formula for Garrett triple product L-functions wmv wmv
Dieulefait Non-solvable base change for GL(2) wmv wmv
Dimitrov On the eigencurve at classical weight one points wmv wmv
Emerton Moduli of potentially semi-stable Galois representations wmv wmv
Fargues L2: Curves and vector bundles in p-adic Hodge theory, I wmv wmv
Fargues L2: Curves and vector bundles in p-adic Hodge theory, II wmv wmv
Fontaine L2: Curves and vector bundles in p-adic Hodge theory, III wmv wmv
Fontaine L2: Curves and vector bundles in p-adic Hodge theory, IV wmv wmv
Furusho Around associators wmv wmv
Gee L5: Potential automorphy: First theorems wmv wmv
Gee L5: Potential automorphy: The main theorem wmv wmv
Haines L3: Introduction to endoscopic transfer. wmv wmv
Hoshi L4: Classical anabelian geometry wmv wmv
Hoshi L4: Grothendieck conjecture over local fields --- from "relative" to "absolute" --- wmv wmv
Niziol Comparison theorems: the open case wmv wmv
Paskunas L1: On the Breuil-Mezard conjecture wmv wmv
Pop L4: General theory of outer representations of the Galois group wmv wmv
Pop L4: Grothendiecks Section Conjecture wmv wmv
Schneider From etale (phi,Gamma)-modules to equivariant sheaves wmv wmv
Shin L3: The trace formula and its applications, I wmv wmv
Shin L3: The trace formula and its applications, II wmv wmv
Stroh Classicity and overconvergence wmv wmv
Taylor L5: Potential automorphy: Introduction wmv wmv
Taylor L5: Potential automorphy: Applications of the main theorem wmv wmv
Tian Classicality of overconvergent Hilbert modular forms in the quadratic inert case wmv wmv
Tilouine Overconvergent Igusa tower and overconvergent Siegel forms wmv wmv
Wintenberger Ramification and Iwasawa modules wmv