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Variance Matrix for \(H_1\)Variance Matrix for \(H_2\)Expectations for \(H_1\)Expectations for \(H_2\)Observed values
Combine sectors?

Graphical Comparison

Blue shading indicates that the second specification gives a higher variance than the first one; vice-versa for blue shading. If there is more blue than green, then \(H_1\) is likely to be better than \(H_2\).

Roundels indicate how many standard deviations the observed value is from the expected value predicted by \(H_1\) or \(H_2\) respectively. The colouring is as follows:

  • If the predicted variance is non-zero and the residual \(|r|\) is in the range \([0,3]\), a white roundel with a black border is plotted at a distance \(|r|\) from the center.
  • If the predicted variance is non-zero and the residual \(|r|\) is greater than \(3\), a black roundel is plotted on the border.
  • If the predicted variance is zero, then there are two options:
    • If the residual is exactly zero, the prediction matches the result - no roundel is plotted.
    • If the residual is non-zero, then the specification is incompatible with the observation - a white roundel with a red border is plotted on the rim.