2 Character theory

2.7 The character table of S5

Let G=S5. We have the trivial representation 𝟙, the sign representation ϵ, and the permutation representation V𝟙W, and its twist, as before. So we can start off the character table:


We then try Λ2W, which has character as shown (sadly, this is equal to its twist by ϵ). This is an irreducible character.


We can also try Sym2W, which has character below; it isn’t irreducible.


By taking inner products with the characters we’ve already found, we see that


where ψ is an irreducible character. We get one more from twisting ψ.


This gives all of the irreducible characters, which we assemble into Table 2.

Table 2: Character table of S5
Question 2.50.

Find a more explicit description of the representation with character ψ.