2 Character theory

2.1 Characters

Throughout this section, G is a finite group and V is a finite dimensional complex vector space.

Definition 2.1.

Let (ρ,V) be a finite-dimensional complex representation of G. The character of (ρ,V) is the function χρ:G defined by


We might also write χV instead of χρ.

Remark 2.2.

It is not totally obvious that the process ‘Start with an element ρ(g)GL(V), choose a basis for V, write ρ(g) as a matrix using that basis, and take the trace’ gives a number that is independent of the choice of basis. One way to see this is to use the change of basis formula and the fact that trPMP-1=trM.

The same argument shows:

Lemma 2.3.

Isomorphic representations have the same character.

It seems that we throw away a lot of information when we pass to the character; the remarkable thing is that, in fact, the character completely determines the representation. Moreover, there is a lot of structure to the characters and it is often possible to find all of the characters of a group, even when it is not clear how to construct the representations!

Example 2.4.

If χ:G× is a one-dimensional representation, then it is its own character (the trace of a scalar is just itself).

Example 2.5.

Let ρ be the irreducible two-dimensional representation of S3 and let χ be its character. Then

χ(e)=2  χ((12))=χ((23))=χ((31))=0  χ((123))=χ((132))=-1.
Lemma 2.6.

If (ρ,V) is a representation of G, then χρ(e)=dimρ.


Exercise. ∎

We call dimρ the degree (or the dimension) of the character χρ.

Lemma 2.7.

If V and W are representations with characters χ and ψ, then VW has character χ+ψ.


Use block matrices. ∎

Lemma 2.8.

If χ is the character of a representation V of G, then


As g has finite order, say m, we can find a basis such that ρ(g) is diagonal with eigenvalues λ1,,λn, and the λi are $m$th roots of unity. Then ρ(g)-1 is diagonal with eigenvalues λ1-1,,λn-1, which are λ¯1,,λ¯n, giving the result. ∎

Remark 2.9.

It follows that, if g is conjugate to g-1, then χ(g) is real for every character χ.

Lemma 2.10.

Let χ be the character of a representation ρ of G. If g and h are in the same conjugacy class of G, then


Let h=xgx-1 for some xG. Then


since conjugate matrices have the same trace. ∎

Definition 2.11.

A class function is a function G that is constant on conjugacy classes.

The previous lemma then says that the character of a representation is a class function. We often organise the information into a character table. This has columns labeled by the conjugacy classes of G, and rows labeled by the irreducible representations. The entries are the values of the characters of the irreducible representations on elements of the conjugacy class.

We usually write 𝟙 for the character of the trivial representation.

Example 2.12.

Here is the character table of S3. We label each column by a representative element of the conjugacy class. It is also common, as here, to write the number of elements in the conjugacy class in the second row.

Example 2.13.

Let G=Cn and ω=e2πi/n. Then we can write down the character table of Cn; I will do this for n=5 for concreteness. Since G is abelian, all conjugacy classes are singletons so I will omit the second row.

Exercise 2.14.

Let G act on a finite set X, and let ρ be the permutation representation. Then its character χ is given by


the number of fixed points of g.

Exercise 2.15.

What is the character of the regular representation?