1 Representation theory of finite groups

1.3 Example: dihedral groups

We list the elements of the dihedral group Dn as


We aim to show that Table 1 gives the complete list of representations of Dn, for n odd. We leave the case of n even as an exercise (there are two more one-dimensional representations in this case).

Table 1: Representations of Dn.
Label Dimension ρ(r) ρ(s)
ρk, 1k<n/2 2 (e2πik/n00e-2πik/n) (0110)
𝟏 1 1 1
ϵ 1 1 -1

Take (ρ,V) to be an irreducible complex representation of Dn. Let vV be an eigenvector for ρ(r) with eigenvalue λ (which must be an nth root of unity since ρ(r)n=1). Let w=ρ(s)v. The key calculation is:

ρ(r)w =ρ(r)ρ(s)v

We also have ρ(s)w=ρ(s)2v=v and so v,w is a subrepresentation of V. As V is irreducible, we see that V=v,w.

Case 1

Suppose that λλ-1. Then v and w are eigenvectors of ρ(r) with distinct eigenvalues, and so are linearly independent. Thus dimV=2. In the basis v,w, the representation is

ρ(r) =(λ00λ-1)
ρ(s) =(0110).

If λ=e2πik/n for 1k<n/2, then we get the representations in the first line of the table. Otherwise, λ=e-2πik/n for some 1k<n/2 and we instead take the basis w,v to get ρk again.

Case 2

Suppose that λ=λ-1. Then λ=1 as n is odd. Since


we see that v+w spans a subrepresentation of V. If v+w0, then V=v+w is the trivial representation. Otherwise, ρ(s)v=w=-v and we get the representation ϵ.

Strictly speaking, we have only shown that if V is an irreducible representation then it is given by matrices as in the table. However, it is easy to see that the matrices given in each row of the table do in fact define representations of Dn: one only has to check that ρ(r)n=ρ(s)2=1 and ρ(r)ρ(s)=ρ(s)ρ(r)-1. ∎