3 Induced representations

3.1 Definition

Suppose that H is a subgroup of G. Given a representation of G, we may construct a representation of H by restriction. What about the other direction — given a representation of H, is there a natural way to construct a representation of G? The answer is yes, and this is the induced representation.

More precisely, we start with a representation (σ,W) of H and want to construct a representation (ρ,V) of G which contains W as an H-subrepresentation. Suppose we have such a thing. Then, for each gG,


is a subspace of W (not necessarily an H-subrepresentation!). We should have that, if g=gh for some hH, then


so that gW only depends on the left coset gH. The representation is induced if there are “no more relations”. Formally:

Definition 3.1.

Let G be a finite group and let H be a subgroup. Let V be a representation of H and let W be a representation of G. We say that W is induced from V if:

  1. 1.

    There is an H-subrepresentation V0 of W that is isomorphic to V; and

  2. 2.

    If g1,,gr are a set of left coset representatives for H in G, then


The action of G is determined by the direct sum decomposition: if gG and givgiV0 then we may write ggi=gjh for some j and some hH, and then


and hv is known since we have that V0 is isomorphic to V as an H-representation.

One can show that induced representations always exist (we didn’t do this in class). Here is one construction: Let

W={f:GV such that f(gh)=hf(g) for all hH,gg}

with G-action (gf)(x)=f(g-1x) for all g,xG, fW. For any fW we can define its support


which will be a union of left cosets of H. We can then take V0={f:supp(f)H}; then giV0={f:supp(f)giH} and W=i=1rgiV0.

Lemma 3.2.

If V is a representation of H then any two representation of G induced from V are isomorphic.


We defer this proof until after the discussion of Frobenius reciprocity below. ∎

The significance of the lemma is that we can talk about ‘the’ induced representation, since it is unique up to isomorphism.

Example 3.3.

Let (σ,2) be the two-dimensional representation of G=Dn such that σ(r)=(ω00ω-1) and σ(s)=(0110) — irreducible if ω±1. Let (χ,) be the one-dimensional representation of the subgroup H=rCn with χ(r)=ω.

The cosets of Cn in Dn are Cn,sCn. If V0=e12 then V0 is a Cn-subrepresentation isomorphic to χ, and sV0=e2. We clearly have 2=V0sV0, so this shows

Example 3.4.

Suppose that V= is the trivial representation of H. Then the induced representation IndHG() coincides with the permutation representation associated to the left action of G on G/H. Indeed, IndHG() contains a vector v fixed by H (that is, a copy of the trivial representation of H), and if g1H,,grH are the left cosets of H in G then


are a basis for IndHG(). Moreover, if g(giH)=gjH then ggi=gjh for some hH and so


This shows that G acts on these basis vectors ‘in the same way’ as it acts on the elements G/H, which is what we have to prove.

Proposition 3.5.

Inducing multiplies the dimension by the index of the subgroup:


If g1H,,grH are the cosets of H in G then


for some copy V0 of V in G. The dimension formula follows. ∎