3 Induced representations

3.4 Example: D4 to S4

Let H be the subgroup of G=S4 isomorphic to D4, obtained by labeling the vertices of a square 1, …, 4 and letting D4 act on them. In other words, H is the image of the injective homomorphism D4S4 sending


Recall that D4 has five irreducible representations with characters as shown:

Table 4: Character table of D4.
e r=(1234) r2=(13)(24) s=(12)(34) rs=(13)
1 2 1 2 2
𝟙 1 1 1 1 1
δ 1 1 1 -1 -1
ϕ+ 1 -1 1 1 -1
ϕ- 1 -1 1 -1 1
θ 2 0 -2 0 0

while recall that S4 has character table


We want to first find out how the conjugacy classes of S4 intersect with D4. The result is as follows, writing C(g) for the conjugacy class of C(g) in S4 or D4.


We use this and the character formula to determine IndHGϕ+. The factor |G|/|H| is constant, equal to 3. We obtain:


Decomposing this character, we see that


But note that we did not need to know the character table of S4 to find the induced character.

We check that this is consistent with Frobenius reciprocity: the restriction of ϵ to D4 is ϕ+, so


as required. The restriction of ψ to D4 is 𝟙+ϕ+ so


(we could also check that the restrictions of the other irreducible characters of S4 to D4 do not contain ϕ+).