4 Linear Lie groups and their Lie algebras

4.1 Linear Lie groups

We fix some notation:

  • 𝕂 denotes either the field or ;

  • 𝔤𝔩n,𝕂=Mn(𝕂) is the vector space of all n×n matrices over 𝕂.

Definition 4.1.

A (linear) Lie group is a closed subgroup of GLn(), for some n.

Remark 4.2.

The usual definition of a Lie group is a smooth manifold together with a group structure such that the group operations are smooth functions. It is a theorem (Cartan’s theorem, or the closed subgroup theorem) that every linear Lie group in the sense of definition 4.1 is a Lie group in this sense. Not every Lie group is a linear Lie group, but we will only be studying linear Lie groups; sometimes I might omit the word ‘linear’.

We give various examples (note that any subgroup defined by equalities of continuous functions will be closed):

  • the real general linear group GLn(): we simply impose the closed condition that all the entries of the matrix are real;

  • the (real or complex) special linear groups SLn(𝕂);

  • if , is a bilinear form on n then we obtain a linear Lie group


    There is a matrix A such that v,w=vTAw for all v,w; the bilinear form is symmetric if and only A is symmetric, alternating if and only if A is skew-symmetric (AT=-A), and nondegenerate if and only if detA is nonzero. Then the group is:


    Some special cases follow.

  • The orthogonal and special orthogonal groups


    and SO(n)=O(n)SLn();

  • the unitary and special unitary groups


    and SU(n)=U(n)SLn() (not strictly a special case of the above, but closely related);

  • the symplectic groups


    where J=(0I-I0) and I is the n×n matrix with 1s on the antidiagonal and 0s elsewhere. This corresponds to a nondegenerate alternating bilinear form.

  • the Heisenberg group

Example 4.3.

Non-examples are GLn() (this is a subgroup of GLn(), but not closed), or (if α is an irrational real number) the subgroup


This is a subgroup, isomorphic — as a group — to , but not closed. You should picture it as a string wound infinitely densely around a torus.

The idea of Lie theory is to simplify the study of these groups by just studying their structure ’very close to the identity’. This crucially uses that they are groups with a topology. By looking at the tangent spaces of these groups at the origin, you obtain Lie algebras; the group operation then turns into a structure called the Lie bracket.