4 Linear Lie groups and their Lie algebras

4.3 One-parameter subgroups

Lemma 4.15.

The map from to GLn() given by


is a differentiable group homomorphism.

We have


In particular,


The given map is a group homomorphism by Lemma 4.5 part 4.

By definition,


As this power series (and its termwise derivative) are uniformly convergent on any compact subset, we can compute its derivative by differentiating termwise, which gives

Definition 4.16.

A one-parameter subgroup of GLn() is a differentiable group homomorphism f:GLn(). That is, a differentiable map such that


for all s,t.

The infinitesimal generator of a one-parameter subgroup f is the element f(0)𝔤𝔩n,.

Remark 4.17.

(non-examinable) For a one-parameter subgroup f, it actually suffices to require that f is continuous. Differentiability then comes for free.

Indeed, if f is continuous, the integral 0af(t)𝑑t exists. Moreover,


The RHS is differentiable with respect to s by the fundamental theorem of algebra. Therefore, to prove that f(s) is differentiable, we only need to show that there is an a>0 such that 0af(t)𝑑t is an invertible matrix. Now consider the function


It is well-defined for a0 and lima0F(a)=I. Hence, for 0<a1, F(a) is invertible, and therefore so is aF(a)=0af(t)𝑑t.

The following is a very important property of one-parameter subgroups: that they all come from the exponential map.

Proposition 4.18.

Let f:GLn() be a one-parameter subgroup with infinitesimal generator X.



for all t. That is, all one-parameter subgroups arise from the exponential function.


From the definition of one-parameter subgroups, we have


Now consider the differential equation


We know that both f(t) and exp(tX) are both solutions with the same initial condition that g(0)=I. Therefore they must be equal. ∎

Example 4.19.

The map SO(3) taking θ to rotation by θ about a fixed axis is a one-parameter subgroup. Problem 55 asks you to find its infinitesimal generator.