5 Representations of Lie groups and Lie algebras - generalities

5.2 Standard constructions for representations

We give a list of various constructions with representations of Lie groups, and the analagous constructions for their derivatives.

The standard representation of a linear Lie group GGLn() comes from its action on n:

ρ(g) =g
Dρ(X) =X.

The direct sum of representations (ρ1,V1), (ρ2,V2) is (ρ1ρ2,V1V2) with derivative


The determinant representation of GGLn() is det:G* which sends g to det(g). We have


which follows from detexp(tX)=ettr(X).

If (ρ,V) is a representation of G, the dual representation (ρ*,V*) of (ρ,V) is defined by


for λV* a linear functional on V and gG. It has derivative


Given a basis of V, then the matrix of ρ* with respect to the dual basis is


which differentiates to


If (ρ1,V1) and (ρ2,V2) are representations of G, then as before the tensor product representation ρ1ρ2 is the representation on V1V2 defined by


Then using the product rule one sees


The symmetric square and alternating square are also as for finite groups. If (ρ,V) is a representation of G then Sym2(V) has a representation Sym2ρ:




Similarly we have a representation Λ2ρ on Λ2(V):


We can take tensor/symmetric/alternating products of more than one factor. Suppose (ρi,Vi) are representations of G.

  • We form the tensor product


    It is generated by symbols v1vl subject to the multilinear relations, that is, linearity in each slot:


    One has


    The action of G is as before: for gG, viVi,


    The derivative is, for X𝔤 and viVi,

    X(v1vl)= (Xv1)v2vl

    We also write

  • The lth symmetric power is the space Syml(V) generated by symbols v1vl with linearity in each slot and any permutation of the vectors giving the same element. We have


    where dimV=n. Indeed, if e1,,en is a basis for V then a basis for Syml(V) is


    from which finding the dimension is a simple counting problem.

    As for higher tensor powers, the actions of G and 𝔤 are



  • The lth alternating power is the space Λl(V) generated by symbols v1vl with linearity in each slot and having the alternating property: for any permutation σSl, we have


    In particular, switching the places of two components reverses the sign, while v1vl=0 if two of the vectors coincide (more generally, if they are linearly dependent).

    We have


    where dimV=n. Indeed, if e1,,en are a basis for V then a basis for Λl(V) is


    from which finding the dimension is a simple counting problem. In particular, Λnn is one-dimensional generated by e1en.

    The representation on Λl(V) is given again as above: for gG,


    while for X𝔤


To give an example of how to justify the claims about derivatives, we do the case of tensor products. Suppose V, W are vector spaces acted on by G. Let X𝔤, vV, wW. We must compute



exp(tX)vexp(tX)w =(v+tXv+O(t2))(w+tXw+O(t2))

This gives

X(vw) =ddtexp(tX)vexp(tX)w|t=0

as required.

Remark 5.8.

We defined tensor products (and so on) of representations of Lie groups and then differentiated them. We could also directly make these definitions with Lie algebras. For instance, if 𝔤 is a Lie algebra and V is a representation of 𝔤, we define the symmetric square representation on Sym2(V) by


5.2.1 Functional constructions

We can construct representations as vector spaces of functions on topological spaces with actions of G. If G acts on a set X, then it also acts on the vector space of functions X by (gf)(x)=f(g-1x). Usually this will be infinite dimensional, and so out of the scope of our course, but sometimes we can impose conditions allowing us to handle it. For example, GLn() acts on n, and hence on the space of polynomial functions in n variables. Imposing a further restriction — to homogeneous polynomials of some fixed degree — gives a finite-dimensional representation. The derivative must be calculated on a case-by-case basis. We will see examples of this on the problem sheet.