6 SL2

6.3 Decomposing representations

Theorem 6.19.

Let V be any finite-dimensional complex-linear representation of 𝔰𝔩2,. Then V is completely reducible, that is, splits into a direct sum of irreducible representations.


We will prove this later (Theorem 6.30) using the compact Lie group SU(2). ∎

It is easy to decompose a representation V of 𝔰𝔩2, into irreducibles by looking at the weights. Firstly, look at the maximal weight k of V. Then there must be a weight vector v of weight k, which is necessarily a highest weight vector, and so V must contain a copy of Symk(2) — namely, the subspace v,Yv,,Ykv. By complete reducibility we have


The weights of W are then obtained by removing the weights of Symk(2) from the weights of V, and we repeat the process.

In particular, this shows that a finite-dimensional representation of 𝔰𝔩2, is determined, up to isomorphism, by its multiset of weights.

Proposition 6.20.

If V, W are representations of 𝔰𝔩2, then:

  • {weights of VW}={weights of V}+{weights of W}.

  • {weights of Symk(V)}={sums of unordered k-tuples of weights of V}.

  • {weights of Λk(V)}={sums of unordered ‘distinct’ k-tuples of weights of V}.


Omitted: try it yourself! For a similar result, see section 7.5 below. ∎

Example 6.21.

We should illustrate what is meant by ‘distinct’: it is ‘distinct’ as elements of the multiset. Suppose that the weights of V are {2,0,0,-2}. Then to obtain the weights of Λ2(V) we add together unordered, distinct, pairs of these in every possible way, getting:

Example 6.22.

Let 2 be the standard representation of SL2() with weight basis e1, e-1. Consider V=Sym2(2)Sym2(2). Let v2=e12, v0=e1e-1 and v-2=e-12 be weight vectors in Sym2(2) corresponding to the weights 2, 0 and -2. Then the weights of V are

  • 4, multiplicity one, weight vector: v2v2.

  • 2, multiplicity two, weight space: v2v0,v0v2.

  • 0, multiplicity three, weight space: v2v-2,v0v0,v-2v2.

  • -2, multiplicity two, weight space: v0v-2,v-2v0.

  • -4, multiplicity one, weight vector: v-2v-2.

Figure 6: Decomposing Sym2(2)Sym2(2).

The weights of Sym2(2) are {-2,0,2} and so the weights of VV are


This is the same as the set of weights of


and so this is the required decomposition into irreducibles.

We can go further, and decompose V into irreducible *sub*representations. This means finding irreducible subrepresentations of V such that V is their direct sum.

The copy of Sym4(2) in V has highest weight vector v2v2. We can find a basis by repeatedly hitting this with Y (writing for ‘equal up to a nonzero scalar’):

Y(v2v2) =2(v2v0+v0v2)v2v0+v0v2
Y2(v2v2) v2v-2+4v0v0+v-2v2
Y3(v2v2) 6(v0v-2+v-2v0)v0v-2v-2v0
Y4(v2v2) v-2v-2.

These vectors are a basis for the copy of Sym4(2) in V.

Next, we find the copy of Sym2(2) in V. We start by looking for a highest weight vector of weight 2:


does the trick. Hitting this with Y gives v2v-2-v-2v2, and doing so again gives v-2v0-v0v-2 (up to scalar). These vectors are a basis for the copy of Sym2(2) in V.

Finally, we find the trivial representation in V. We need only find a weight vector of weight 0 which is killed by X, and


does the job: this vector spans a copy of the trivial representation.