6 SL2

6.5 SO(3) (non-examinable)

We skipped this section, due to the strike, so the material is non-examinable.

6.5.1 Classification of irreducible representations

We have already (see the first problem set this term) seen that 𝔰𝔲2 and 𝔰𝔬3 are isomorphic. We therefore have:

Theorem 6.31.

There is an irreducible two-dimensional representation V of 𝔰𝔬3 (coming from 𝔰𝔬3𝔰𝔲2𝔤𝔩2,) such that the irreducible complex representations of 𝔰𝔬3 are exactly


for n0.

We want to know which of these representations exponentiate to an irreducible representation of SO(3). For this, we revisit the connection with SU(2).

Let , be the bilinear form on 𝔰𝔲2 defined by

Lemma 6.32.

The form , is a positive definite bilinear form preserved by the adjoint action of SU(2).

Lemma 6.33.

The bilinearity is clear. To see that it is positive definite, if X𝔰𝔲2 then


Direct calculation shows tr(XX) is the sum of the squares of the entries of X, which is strictly positive for nonzero X.

We have, for gSU(2),


which shows that this inner product is SU(2)-invariant.

Corollary 6.34.

There is an isomorphism


Choosing an orthonormal basis for 𝔰𝔲2 with respect to , identifies the set of linear maps 𝔰𝔲2𝔰𝔲2 preserving the inner product with SO(3). We therefore have a homomorphism


whose kernel is {gSU(2):Adg=Ad}={±I}. The derivative of this homomorphism is injective, otherwise there would be a one-parameter subgroup in the kernel of the group homomorphism, and since the Lie algebras have the same dimension we get an isomorphism of Lie algebras. The group homomorphism is therefore surjective, since exponentials of elements of 𝔰𝔬3 generate the group SO(3). ∎

Remark 6.35.

Let ,𝒥,𝒦 be the elements of 𝔰𝔲2 given by


respectively. Up to scalar, these are an orthonormal basis for 𝔰𝔲2. Since the derivative of the above homomorphism SU(2)SO(3) is the adjoint map, computed with respect to this basis, we see that the induced isomorphism 𝔰𝔲2𝔰𝔬3 takes:

Jx =(00000-1010)
𝒥Jy =(001000-100)
𝒦Jz =(0-10100000).

It will be useful to know where this isomorphism takes the elements H,X,Y of 𝔰𝔩2,=𝔰𝔲2,. For example, as H=-2i𝒦, we see that it goes to -2iJz. Or, for the lowering operator Y, we have


and similarly XJx-iJy.

Corollary 6.36.

For each 0, there is a unique irreducible representation V() of SO(3) of dimension 2+1.

The derivative of this representation is isomorphic to the representation Sym2(V) of 𝔰𝔬3.

This gives the complete list of irreducible representations of SO(3) up to isomorphism.


We simply have to work out which representations Symk(V) of 𝔰𝔬3 exponentiate to a representation of SO(3). Since we have


and each Symk(V) exponentiates to a unique representation of SU(2) — which we also call Symk(V) — this is equivalent to asking for which k the centre {±I} of SU(2) acts trivially on Symk(V). But we see that -I acts as (-1)k, so the answer is: for even k only.

Thus Symk(V) exponentiates to a representation of SO(3) if, and only if, k=2 is even, and we obtain the result. ∎

We can consider the weights of these representations. Under the isomorphism


the element H=-2i𝒦 maps to -2iJz. Since the H-weights of V() are -2,-2(-1),,2(-1),2, we must divide these by -2i to find the weights of Jz acting on V():

Example 6.37.

Consider the standard three-dimensional representation of SO(3) on 3. The weights of Jz are simply its eigenvalues as a 3×3 matrix, which are -i,0,i. We see that this representation is isomorphic to V(1).

6.5.2 Harmonic functions

We can use our understanding of the representation theory of SO(3) to shed light on the classical theory of spherical harmonics.

We let 𝒫 be the subspace of [x,y,z] consisting of homogeneous polynomials of degree . This has an action of SO(3) given by


where 𝐱=(xyz) is a vector in 3. We therefore get a representation of SO(3).

Lemma 6.38.

The elements Jx,Jy, and Jz of SO(3) act on 𝒫 according to the following formulae:

Jx =zy-yz
Jy =xz-zx
Jz =yx-xy.

Exercise. In fact, prove that the action of A=(aij)𝔰𝔬3 is given by


by considering


at t=0 (where we rewrite x,y,z as x1,x2,x3). ∎

It will be useful in what follows to recall

Lemma 6.39.

(Euler’s formula) If f is a homogeneous polynomial of degree , then


The representation 𝒫 is not irreducible. Let r2[x,y,z] be the polynomial


Note that r2 is clearly invariant under the action of SO(3).

Lemma 6.40.

The map 𝒫𝒫+2 defined by


is an injective homomorphism of SO(3)-representations.


We have, for gSO(3),


as required. ∎

Next, we consider the Laplace operator:


This is map from 𝒫𝒫-2.

Lemma 6.41.

The map Δ is a map of SO(3) representations.


We must show that, for g=(gij)SO(3),


We have


and so


We sum over i, for fixed j and k:


since g is orthogonal. We therefore obtain


and therefore


An element f𝒫 is harmonic if Δf=0. Since dim(𝒫)>dim(𝒫-2), harmonic polynomials must exist. We write 𝒫 for the space of harmonic polynomials.

Lemma 6.42.

On 𝒫, we have


Left as an exercise. ∎

It follows that r2Δ preserves each irreducible subrepresentation of 𝒫 (since Jx,Jy,Jz do). Furthermore, by Schur’s lemma it must act on each irreducible subrepresentation as a scalar. We determine that scalar.

Lemma 6.43.

Suppose that V𝒫 is an irreducible subrepresentattion with highest weight ik. Then


Since r2Δ is a 𝔰𝔬3-homomorphism and V is irreducible, by Schur’s lemma it acts as a scalar on V. It therefore suffices to compute the action on a highest weight vector vV. So


It follows that Jz2v=-k2v and, as

Jx2+Jy2 =(Jx+iJy)(Jx-iJy)+i[Jx,Jy]

we have (Jx2+Jy2)v=0v-kv.

Applying the previous lemma gives the result. ∎

Theorem 6.44.

For every 0,


The space is the irreducible highest weight representation of SO(3) of dimension 2+1, and the space 𝒫, as an SO(3)-representation, the direct sum of representations of weights i,i(-2),, each occuring with multiplicity one.


We use induction on . The case =0 is clear (we just have the trivial representation). Suppose true for -1 with 1.

By the previous lemma, the space is the sum of all the copies inside 𝒫 of the irreducible representation with with highest weight i. Since 𝒫-2 does not contain this irreducible representation, by the inductive hypothesis, we have


Since, 0 as already discussed, its dimension is a positive multiple of 2+1. However, its dimension is at most


It follows that is irreducible, and that we have


The statement about the decomposition into irreducibles follows. ∎

The proof of this theorem shows that


so that every polynomial has a unique decomposition as a sum of harmonic polynomials multiplied by powers of r2.

We can go further and give nice bases for the by taking weight vectors for Jz. First, we have

Lemma 6.45.

The function (x-iy)𝒫 is a highest weight vector of weight i.


Exercise! ∎

We then obtain a weight basis by repeatedly applying the lowering operator


The functions thus obtained are known as ’spherical harmonics’ (at least, up to normalization), and give a particularly nice basis for the space of functions on the sphere S23. The decomposition of a function into spherical harmonics is analagous to the Fourier decomposition of a function on the unit circle.

Example 6.46.

If =1, then 𝒫=, and the weight vectors are


If =2, a basis of made up of weight vectors is
