One of the uses this site was designed for, was as a place to host a page describing available undergraduate projects. This part of the site is now live, and can be accessed from the navigation at the top of the page, or from here. While adding this part of the site, I also tried to check that everything works nicely on mobile and touch based devices, so please let me know if you find any problems using this site on any device.

While I intend to write a couple of longer posts detailing the technical side of creating this site, for the time being I want to make a note about the main projects page. On larger devices each project (though there is only one for the time being) has a wide link to the detailed description of the project, and this link contains both an image of the picture as well as the project title and a short description. As one moves a mouse over any part of this link, the link area gains a light gray shading to indicate the fact that it is a link. On mobile/smaller devices, the first issue is that wide layout does not work well, and so the image and title/description areas are split onto separate lines. This causes the potential issue that the user does not realise where/if they are able to click to find out more information. I therefore added the gray shading permanently on devices that are touch based using the following css hover media query:

@media (hover: none) {
	background-color: rgba($grey-color-dark,0.1);

I decided to use the hover query rather than a device width query, as even a user of a larger iPad-like device might not realise that the project link can be clicked, as they don’t have the ability to hover over it.