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Belief adjustment

We have defined a (partial) belief structure as follows:

We have a collection tex2html_wrap_inline3504 , finite or infinite, of random quantities, each with finite prior variance. We construct the vector space tex2html_wrap_inline3556 consisting of all finite linear combinations


of the elements of C, where tex2html_wrap_inline3207 is the unit constant. Covariance defines an inner product tex2html_wrap_inline3217 and norm, over the closure of the equivalence classes of random quantities which differ by a constant in tex2html_wrap_inline3556 , defined, for tex2html_wrap_inline3566 to be


The space tex2html_wrap_inline3556 with covariance inner product is denoted as tex2html_wrap_inline3576 , the (partial) belief structure with base tex2html_wrap_inline3235 .

Belief adjustment is represented within this structure as follows:

We have a collection tex2html_wrap_inline4822 , the base for our analysis. We construct [C] as above. We construct the two subspaces [B] and [D] corresponding to bases tex2html_wrap_inline4824 and tex2html_wrap_inline4826 . We define P tex2html_wrap_inline4487 to be the orthogonal projection from [B] to [D]. Thus, for any tex2html_wrap_inline4476 , tex2html_wrap_inline4830 is the element of [D] which is closest to X in the variance norm. This orthogonal projection is therefore equivalent to the adjusted expectation, i.e.


Thus the adjusted version of X is


namely the perpendicular vector from X to the subspace [D]. The adjustment variance tex2html_wrap_inline3714 is therefore equal to the squared perpendicular distance from X to [D]. Further, as


and [X/D] is perpendicular to tex2html_wrap_inline4840 , we have


which is the variance partition expressed in equation 9.

If we adjust each member of tex2html_wrap_inline3565 by D, we obtain a new base tex2html_wrap_inline3918 , which we write as tex2html_wrap_inline4529 . We use [B/D] to represent both the vector of elements of tex2html_wrap_inline4529 and the adjusted belief structure of B by D.

Alternately, it is often useful to identify [B/D] as a subspace of the overall inner product space tex2html_wrap_inline4844 , namely the orthogonal complement of [D] in tex2html_wrap_inline4844 .

Note from this latter representation that for any bases D and F we may write a direct sum decomposition of tex2html_wrap_inline4848 into orthogonal subspaces as


Therefore, we may write


where the two projections on the right hand side of equation 43 are mutually orthogonal. The variance partition for a partial belief adjustment follows directly from this representation.

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David Wooff
Thu Oct 15 11:56:54 BST 1998