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Declaring quantities

In our first example we are interested in the quantities tex2html_wrap_inline8580 and tex2html_wrap_inline8582 , and we intend observing further quantities tex2html_wrap_inline8546 and tex2html_wrap_inline8550 to help us refine our belief specifications about the former collection. The first thing that we must do is to announce to [B/D] these quantities of interest. We can do this, and at the same time specify our expectations for the quantities, by using the [B/D] command ELEMENT:  as follows:

BD>element:B1=4.16, B2=6.25, D1=4.16, D2=6.25 tex2html_wrap_inline6116

If you entered this line correctly, [B/D] will have noted B1, B2, D1, and D2 as quantities, and will have assigned the appropriate expectation to each. The names that we use in [B/D] (we use B1 for the quantity tex2html_wrap_inline8580 , for example) are chosen to correspond informally with the names of actual quantities. For genuine problems we normally use longer and more informative names, such as ``glucoselevel0'', although there are restrictionsgif upon the maximum length of such names. The names of quantities consist of mixtures of alphabetic and numeric characters, and must begin with a lettergif. Remember that both the case and interspersed spaces are irrelevant, so that the names ``PEPTIDE 17'' and ``peptide17'' are equivalent.

You might have entered the line wrongly, either by mistaking the syntax of the command or by mistyping the names or expectations of the quantities. In the former case [B/D] will have reported your syntactical error, and you can simply retype the line. This is what we usually do when [B/D] reports an error. In the latter case (harder to spot because [B/D] has accepted the line as valid input) you can either retype the whole line, or just retype the names and expectations that you had wrong. If we wish, we can examine our specifications by issuing the command

BD>look:(e) tex2html_wrap_inline6116

Figure 5:  Elements and their expectations

giving the output shown in figure 5, which shows all elements defined, together with their expectations. This is the first of many uses that we shall make of the LOOK:  command, which, with its variety of possible arguments, will form our main tool for checking and reviewing our input to the program.gif

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David Wooff
Thu Oct 15 12:20:04 BST 1998