Probability in the North East
Probability in the North East (PiNE) is a collaboration among researchers interested in probability theory and its applications, based primarily in the North-East of England and the South-East of Scotland. PiNE was founded in 2014, and has in recent years been supported by a Joint Research Groups (Scheme 3) grant from the London Mathematical Society. Since 2025 the network has received support from the Additional Funding Programme for Mathematical Sciences, delivered by (EPSRC EP/V521917/1 - Heilbronn Institute) and (EP/V521929/1 - INI).
Mailing list
For announcements about PiNE events, please send an email to formatted with blank subject and with message body containing SUBSCRIBE PINE Firstname Lastname as appropriate.
YouTube channel

Research network
Durham probability group
PiNE contacts: Sunil Chhita, Ostap Hryniv,
Mustazee Rahman, and Andrew Wade
Edinburgh probability and stochastic analysis group
PiNE contact: Ilya Chevyrev
Heriot-Watt probability and stochastic models group
PiNE contact: Fraser Daly
Leeds mathematical biology and medicine group
and probability and financial mathematics
PiNE contacts: Martín López-García,
Matthew Aldridge
and Alexander Veretennikov
Manchester probability, financial mathematics and actuarial science group
PiNE contact: Robert Gaunt
Sheffield probability group
PiNE contacts: Nic
Freeman and Jonathan Jordan
York statistics and probability group
PiNE contact: Stephen Connor