0 Introduction

0.5 Group theory

0.5.1 Subgroups, cosets, quotients

If G is a group then a subgroup H is a subset containing the identity, closed under the group law and taking inverses. If H is a subgroup, then a left coset of H in G is a subset gH={gh:hH}. The left cosets partition G, and we write G/H for the set of left cosets (not a group!). Similarly we define right cosets and H\G.

A subgroup H is normal if, for every gG, gHg-1=H. Equivalently, gH=Hg for all gG. In this case, the rule


defines a group law on G/H=H\G (the quotient group).

0.5.2 Homomorphisms

If G and G are groups, a homomorphism f:GG is a function such that f(gh)=f(g)f(h). The kernel of f is ker(f)={gG:f(g)=e} and the image is im(f)={f(g):gG} and these are subgroups of G and H respectively. The subgroup ker(f) is normal — in fact, normal subgroups are precisely those that are the kernel of some homomorphism.

A homomorphism is injective if and only if its kernel is trivial. A bijective homomorphism is called an isomorphism, in which case the inverse is also an isomorphism and we say that the groups are isomorphic.

The first (and best) isomorphism theorem states that the map

G/ker(f) im(f)
gker(f) f(g)

is an isomorphism.

0.5.3 Symmetric groups

The symmetric group Sn is the group of permutations of {1,,n}. We use cycle notation, so that (e.g.) (1253) is the permutation taking 1 to 2, 2 to 5, 5 to 3, and 3 to 1. Every permutation can be written uniquely (up to changing the order of the factors) as a product of disjoint cycles. We don’t bother writing cycles of length one, for example


fixes the elements 3 and 6. The sequence of lengths of the cycles appearing (including those of length one!), written in decreasing order, is called the cycle type of the permutation. The elements of given cycle type make up a single conjugacy class of Sn (see below for conjugacy classes).

There is a homomorphism ϵ:Sn±1 uniquely determined by the property that it takes transpositions (ij) to --1. It is called the sign homomorphism. Its kernel is the alternating group An. The sign of an n–cycle is (-1)n+1.

If X is a set, we sometimes write SX for the group of permutations of X, so Sn=SX with X={1,,n}. If |X|=n then SXSn, but the exact isomorphism depends on how we label the elements of X by the numbers 1 to n.

0.5.4 Actions

A (left) action of a group G on a set X is a way of transforming an element x by elements g to produce gxX, such that (gh)x=g(hx).

Exercise 0.1.

If G acts on a set X, show that the map


defined by ρ(g)(x)=gx is a group homomorphism.

In this case, if xX then its stabiliser stab(x)={gG:gx=x} is a subgroup. We also have the orbit Gx=orbx={gx:gG}X. One form of the orbit-stabiliser theorem states that the map

G/stab(x) Gx

is a bijection. This implies (if G is finite) that


If gG then the set of fixed points of g is


We write

XG={xX:gx=x for all gG},

the set of fixed points of G.

0.5.5 Zoo

We will need a few examples of groups:

  • the integers

  • cyclic groups Cn/n

  • symmetric groups Sn

  • alternating groups An

  • dihedral groups Dn (symmetries of regular n–gon)

  • the quaternion group Q8:


    with i2=j2=k2=ijk=-1.

  • the general linear group GLn(k) (for k a field) of invertible n×n matrices over k [note that if k=𝔽p then this is finite!]

  • the special linear group SLn(k) of matrices with determinant 1

  • the orthogonal group


    which is also the group of isometries of n (with its standard inner product) fixing the origin, and the subgroup SO(n) of elements of O(n) whose determinant is one (i.e. the group of rotations of n fixing the origin.)

  • the unitary and special unitary groups


    where A=A¯T, with ¯ being complex conjugation, and


    The group U(n) is the group of transformations of n fixing the standard Hermitian inner product.