0 Introduction

0.4 Linear algebra

0.4.1 Fields

A field is a commutative ring in which every nonzero element is invertible (colloquially, a place where we can do normal arithmetic). Linear algebra takes place over fields. We will use the following examples:

  • the field of rational numbers

  • the field of real numbers

  • the field of complex numbers

  • the fields 𝔽p of integers modulo p, for p prime.

0.4.2 Linear maps

If V,W are vector spaces over a field k, then a linear map T:VW is a function such that


for all λ,μk and all v,wV. If bases have been chosen for V and W (and they are finite dimensional), then every linear map can be written as a matrix. The linear map T is invertible if it is a bijection, in which case its inverse T-1 is also a linear map. We write Hom(V,W) for the set of linear maps from V to W, which is also vector space over k. If V=W, we write End(V)=Hom(V,V). We write GL(V) for the group of invertible linear maps from V to itself (GL stands for ’general linear’). If a basis of V is chosen, and dimV=n, then End(V) is given by the n×n matrices over k while GL(V)=GLn(k) is the group of n×n invertible matrices.

If T:VW is a linear map, then its kernel and image are



im(T)={wW:w=Tv for some vV}.

0.4.3 Subspaces, quotients, sums

A subspace of V is a subset W closed under addition and scalar multiplication.

If W is a subspace of V, then the quotient space V/W is the set of cosets (for addition) of W in V. We denote its elements by


In this situation, the map VV/W sending v to v¯ is a surjective linear map whose kernel is W. If T:VU is a linear map, then the map T:V/ker(T)U taking v¯ to T(v) gives a well-defined isomorphism from V/ker(T) to im(T). Compare the first isomorphism theorem in group theory, and also the rank-nullity theorem


If V and W are two vector spaces, then their (external) direct sum is


with componentwise addition and scalar multiplication. If V and W are both subspaces of some common space U, we say that U is the internal direct sum of V and W if every element of U can be written uniquely as u=v+w for vV, wW. This is equivalent to requiring U=V+W and VW={0}, or to requiring that the map




is an isomorphism. Often in this situation we will simply say that U is the direct sum of V and W.

We can generalise this to more than one subspace. If V1,,Vn are subspaces of V, then we say that V is their internal direct sum if every element of V can be written uniquely as v1++vn with viVi for all i. Equivalently, if the map

V1Vn V
(v1,,vn) v1++vn

is an isomorphism.

0.4.4 Eigenspaces

If T:VV is a linear map from a vector space to itself, then an eigenvector of T with eigenvalue λ is a non-zero vector vV such that Tv=λv.

The linear map T is diagonalizable if there is a basis of V consisting of eigenvectors of T. This is equivalent to there being a basis for which the matrix of T is diagonal.

For later use, we record the following theorem from linear algebra: if T1,,Tn are linear maps VV that commute with each other and that are diagonalizable, then there is a basis of V consisting of simultaneous eigenvectors of the Ti. Equivalently, a basis for which the matrices of the Ti are all diagonal.