4 Linear Lie groups and their Lie algebras

4.6 Topological properties

While we only defined linear Lie groups to be closed subgroups of GLn(), in fact they have much nicer topological properties than arbitrary closed subsets (which can be pretty wild, like the Cantor set).

Theorem 4.40.

(closed subgroup theorem) Let GGLn() be a closed subgroup. Then G is actually a smoothly embedded submanifold: for every gG there is an open set gUGLn(), an open subset 0V𝔤𝔩n,, and a diffeomorphism ϕ:VU such that ϕ(0)=g and ϕ(𝔤V)=GU. See Figure 3.

Figure 3: Chart ϕ in closed subgroup theorem.

(Sketch.) Since, for any g, the map ‘multiply by g’ is smooth, it suffices to prove this when g is the identity element. In this case, one can show that, for a sufficiently small neighbourhood V of 0, the exponential map satisfies exp(V𝔤)=exp(V)G — the tricky point is to show that, if gG is sufficiently close to the identity, then log(g)𝔤. ∎

If you don’t want to take this theorem on faith, then feel free to include its conclusion as part of the definition of a linear Lie group (in all our examples, it would be straightforward to verify).

We say that G is connected if, for every x,yG, there is a continuous function γ:[0,1]G with γ(0)=x and γ(0)=y. For those of you taking courses in topology, this is actually the definition of path-connected; however, it follows from the closed subgroup theorem that Lie groups are locally path-connected, and being path-connected is equivalent to being connected for such spaces.

Let G be a linear Lie group and let G0 be the set of all gG such that there is a continuous path γ:[0,1]G with γ(0)=I and γ(1)=g.

Proposition 4.41.

The subset G0 is a normal subgroup of G.


Omitted from lectures.

Let g,hG0, and let γ1,γ2 be paths with γi(0)=I and γ1(1)=g,γ2(1)=h.

Then define a path from I to gh by following γ1 and then gγ2. Concretely, define γ:[0,1]G by


and observe that this is a continuous path from I to gh. This shows G0 is closed under multiplication.

The identity and inverse axioms, and the normality, are left as exercises. ∎

Proposition 4.42.

The subgroup G0 is an open and closed subset of G.


Omitted from lectures.

Firstly, if HG is an open subgroup then


is a union of open subsets, so H is also closed.

To show G0 is open, it suffices to show that it contains an open subset U containing the identity, as then gU is an open subset containing g, for all gG. If V is a sufficiently small open ball around 0𝔤 then by Theorem 4.40 exp(V) is an open subset around IG, and exp(V) is path-connected since V is. Thus VG0 as required. ∎

It follows from this result that the quotient topology on G/G0 is discrete. 44 4 If you don’t know the definition of the quotient topology, please ignore this.

It is clear that G is connected if and only if G=G0.

Proposition 4.43.

If X𝔤, then exp(X)G0.


Note that for any X𝔤, the image {exp(tX):t} defines a curve in G containing the identity IG. This curve is in the connected component of the identity. So exp(tX)G0 for all t. ∎

Since exp(𝔤) contains an open neighbourhood of the identity (by Theorem 4.40), it follows that exp(𝔤) generates an open subgroup of G0, which is then necessarily closed. But since G0 is connected it has no proper nonempty open and closed subsets,55 5 This argument uses the basic fact that a path-connected topological space is connected. and we obtain:

Theorem 4.44.

Let G be a Lie group and 𝔤 be its Lie algebra. Then the subgroup generated by exp(𝔤) is G0.

In particular, if G is connected, then each element of G is a (non-unique) product of a finite number of exponentials.

As a corollary we immediately obtain the answer to the first question above.

Proposition 4.45.

Let G be a connected (linear) Lie group and let ϕ:GG be a Lie group homomorphism. Then the differential Dϕ:𝔤𝔤 uniquely determines ϕ.


Since ϕ(exp(X))=exp(Dϕ(X)), the values Dϕ(X) determine ϕ on the subgroup generated by the exp(X), which is exactly G0=G. ∎

Exercise 4.46.

Show that, if G is a connected (linear) Lie group with Lie algebra 𝔤, then G is abelian if and only if 𝔤 is (see Definition 4.29).

What goes wrong when G is not connected?

Example 4.47.

Any finite group G can be embedded in GLn() for some n, and so regarded as a linear Lie group. Its Lie algebra is the zero vector space, so the derivative of a homomorphism GH is always zero. In other words, the Lie algebra knows nothing in this case.

Example 4.48.

Recall that on the orthogonal group O(n), the determinant (which is a continuous map!) takes the values {±1}. Hence O(n) is not connected; in fact, it is not too hard to show that SO(n) is the connected component of the identity. (This is related to 𝔰𝔬n=𝔬n; that is, the condition X=-Xt automatically implies that X has trace zero and hence that exp(X) has determinant 1.)

Correspondingly, the determinant det on O(n) has zero differential, as it is constant on an open neighbourhood of the identity. This means that the differential on O(n) cannot distinguish the determinant from the trivial map (g1×).

Exercise 4.49.

Prove that SO(n) is connected for n2. Hint: show that it is path-connected, by induction.

Proposition 4.50.

The group SLn() is connected.


Omitted, but here is a sketch.

  1. 1.

    Use Gram–Schmidt orthogonalisation to show that SLn()=SO(n)N+ where N+ is the group of upper triangular matrices with positive diagonal entries.

  2. 2.

    Show that SO(n) is connected (see previous exercise) and N+ is connected.

  3. 3.

    Deduce that SLn() is connected.

Remark 4.51.

There is an alternative proof: show that SLn() is generated by elementary matrices, and then connect every elementary matrix to the identity.

Among the Lie groups related to this course, GLn(), SLn(), SLn(), U(n), SU(n), SO(n), and Sp(2n) are connected, while GLn() and O(n) are not connected, with their connected components being GLn+()={gGLn():detg>0} and SO(n) respectively.

We now turn to the second question, whether every Lie algebra homomorphism exponentiates to a Lie group homomorphism. In the light of what we have seen, it is sensible to restrict to the case of connected Lie groups. However, even with this restriction, the answer is in general no, as the next example shows!

Example 4.52.

The linear Lie groups GL1+()=>0 and U(1)={z:|z|=1} both have Lie algebra with trivial Lie bracket; in the second case we get the subspace i of 𝔤𝔩2, and identify it with by dividing by i.

The Lie algebra homomorphisms are all of the form ϕa:tat for some a. We consider which of these exponentiate to homomorphisms of Lie groups.

  1. 1.

    The map ϕa always exponentiates to a map >0>0, specifically the map

  2. 2.

    The map ϕa always exponentiates to a map >0U(1), specifically the map

  3. 3.

    The map ϕa never exponentiates to a map U(1)>0 if a0. If it did, the map would have to send


    and setting x=2π gives a=0.

  4. 4.

    The map ϕa exponentiates to a map U(1)U(1) if and only if a, in which case the map is


    Indeed, the map would have to be


    and setting x=2π shows that a, when the map is as claimed.

Exercise 4.53.

Check that the Lie algebra of SO(2) is also isomorphic to . Write down an isomorphism U(1)SO(2); what is the identification of Lie algebras it induces?

The key difference between >0 and U(1) is that the former is simply connected while the latter is not (it has fundamental group ). We explain this a bit further.

Recall we call a topological/metric space X simply connected if it is path-connected and if every loop can be continuous shrunk to a single point; rigorously, if every continuous map from the unit circle to X can be extended to a continuous map from the unit disc to X. In topology, the failure of a space to be simply connected is measured by the ’fundamental group’ π1(X): X is simply-connected if and only if π1(X) is trivial.

Theorem 4.54.

Let G be a simply connected (linear) Lie group. Let G be any other (linear) Lie group. Let 𝔤 and 𝔤 be their Lie algebras. Then every homomorphism 𝔤𝔤 exponentiates to a unique homomorphism GG.

Hence we have a 1-1 correspondence


This is beyond the scope of this course. Note in the above example GL1+() is simply connected while the circle group U(1) is not. ∎

One can show that SLn() and SU(n) are simply connected. Here is a small table showing our connected groups and their fundamental groups.

G π1(G)
SLn() 1
SLn(), n3 C2
SO(n), n3 C2
SU(n) 1
Sp(2n) Z
Remark 4.55.

It is not an accident that the fundamental groups of SLn() and SO(n) are isomorphic — Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization, as used in the proof of Proposition 4.50, shows that SLn() and SO(n) are homotopy equivalent. A similar remark replies to SLn() and SU(n).

If G is not connected, or its identity component is not simply connected, we can work in the following way.

  • There exists a ’universal cover’ G~ of G0 which is simply connected, and also has the structure of a Lie group (not necessarily linear, unfortunately). There is a surjective group homomorphism π:G~G0 with discrete kernel Zπ1(G0), so that G0G~/Z.

  • The kernel Z of π is isomorphic to the fundamental group π1(G0).

  • Homomorphisms out of G0 are in 1-1 correspondence with homomorphisms out of G~ which are trivial on Z.

  • The Lie algebras of G, G0 and G~ coincide (more precisely, the maps π:G~G0 and ι:G0G induce isomorphisms of Lie algebras).

  • In general G/G0 can be an arbitrary finite group! For this reason, it is common to restrict attention to connected Lie groups.

The diagram looks as follows:

Example 4.56.

The group U(1) is not simply connected. Here the universal cover is (,+) (this is a linear Lie group because it is isomorphic to the upper triangular 2x2 matrices with 1s on the diagonal — a similar argument shows that any vector space (with addition) is a Lie group). The map G~G0 is then

π: U(1)
x e2πix

and we see that the kernel of π is , which is indeed the fundamental group π1(U(1)).