7 SL3

7.6 Highest weights

We now develop the theory of highest weights, analogous to that for 𝔰𝔩2,. We first carry out the fundamental weight calculation (the analogue of Lemma 6.10).

Lemma 7.18.

(Fundamental Weight Calculation). Let V be a representation of 𝔰𝔩3, and let vVβ be a weight vector with weight β𝔥*. Let α𝔥* be a root and let Xα𝔤α be a root vector. Then


Thus we obtain a map


Let H𝔥. Then

Example 7.19.

We work this out for the adjoint representation. Recall that, for ij, we have the root αij=Li-Lj with root vector Eij. The above calculation shows that, if α and β are roots, then [𝔤α,𝔤β]𝔤α+β. Here are some examples:

  • If α=α12, β=α13, then α+β is not a root so 𝔤α+β=0. Thus [E12,E23]=0 (which could also be checked directly).

  • If α=-β then we get

  • If α=α12, β=α23, then α+β=α13 and we get


    In fact, you can check that [E12,E23]=E13.

Exercise 7.20.

Let V be a finite-dimensional irreducible representation of 𝔰𝔩3,. Then the weights occurring in V all differ by integral linear combinations of the roots of 𝔰𝔩3,, that is, by integral linear combinations of Li-Lj.

With regard to the weight diagram, we observe that the ’positive’ root vectors E12, E23, E13 move in the ’northeast’ direction while the ’negative’ root vectors move in the ’southwest’ direction (roughly speaking). See Figure 9.

Effect of roots
Figure 9: Effect of roots
Definition 7.21.

Let (ρ,V) be a representation of 𝔰𝔩3,. A highest weight vector in V is a vector vV such that:

  1. 1.

    v is a weight vector; and

  2. 2.


The weight of v is then a highest weight for V.

Remark 7.22.

Since [E12,E23]=E13, it follows that a highest weight vector is also killed by E13. So it is killed by all the positive root vectors.

Example 7.23.
  1. 1.

    The standard representation V has highest weight L1 with highest weight vector e1.

  2. 2.

    The dual V* has highest weight -L3 with highest weight vector e3*.

  3. 3.

    The adjoint representation has highest weight L1-L3 with highest weight vector E13.

  4. 4.

    The symmetric square Sym2(3) has highest weight 2L1 with highest weight vector e12.

Lemma 7.24.

Let V be a finite-dimensional representation of 𝔰𝔩3,. Then V has a highest weight vector.


For a weight α=α1L1+α1L2+α3L3, define l(α)=α1-α3. Of all the finitely many weights of V, choose a weight α such that l(α) is maximal.

Let v be a weight vector with this weight. Then E12v, if nonzero, has weight




This is not a weight of V by maximality of l(α). Thus E12v=0. Similarly E23v, if nonzero, has weight


and l(α+L2-L3)=l(α)+1, so E23v=0. ∎