7 SL3

7.1 The Lie algebra sl3,C

We study the Lie algebra


of traceless 3×3 matrices. It has dimension 8. We first need to find the analog of the standard basis H,X,Y of 𝔰𝔩2,

First, notation: we write Eij for the matrix with a ’1’ in row i and column j , and ’0’ elsewhere. Then Eij𝔰𝔩3, if and only if ij.

The analogue of H will be the entire subalgebra of diagonal matrices.

Definition 7.1.

The (standard) Cartan subalgebra of 𝔤 is 𝔥, given by


Note that 𝔥 is an abelian subalgebra, because diagonal matrices commute with each other.

We pick as a basis of 𝔥 the elements

H12=E11-E22 =(1-10)
H23=E22-E33 =(01-1),

and also define H13=E11-E33=H12+H23.

Next we consider the adjoint action of 𝔥 on 𝔤, seeking eigenvectors and eigenvalues. The key calculation is:

Exercise 7.2.

Check this!

Thus {Eij:ij}{H12,H23} is a basis of simultaneous eigenvectors in 𝔰𝔩3, for the adjoint action of 𝔥.