7 SL3

7.2 Weights

Suppose that (ρ,V) is a finite-dimensional complex-linear representation of 𝔰𝔩3,. Suppose that vV is a simultaneous eigenvector for all ρ(H), H𝔥. Then, for each H𝔥, there is an α(H) such that ρ(H)v=α(H)v. Since ρ is complex-linear, α is a complex-linear map 𝔥. In other words, α is an element of the dual space 𝔥*. This motivates the following definition:

Definition 7.3.

Suppose that (ρ,V) is a representation of 𝔰𝔩3,. Then a weight vector in V is vV such that there is α𝔥* (the weight) with:


for all H𝔥.

The weight space of α is

Vα={vV:ρ(H)v=α(H)v for all H𝔥}.

On 𝔥 we have some ‘obvious’ functionals Li𝔥* given by


These span 𝔥*, subject to the relation66 6 More precisely, 𝔥* is isomorphic to the quotient of the three dimensional vector space with basis {L1,L2,L3} by the subspace spanned by L1+L2+L3.


We compute the weights of some particular representations.

Example 7.4.

If V=3 is the standard representation of 𝔰𝔩3, (for which ρ(A)=A for all A𝔰𝔩3,), then the standard basis vectors e1,e2,e3 are all weight vectors:


from which we see that Hei=Li(H)ei for all H𝔥. See table 5.

Weight L1 L2 L3
Weight vector e1 e2 e3
Table 5: Weights of the standard representation
Example 7.5.

If V=(3)* is the dual of the standard representation then it has a basis e1*,e2*,e3* defined by


One can show that ei* is a weight vector of weight -Li, so the weights are -L1,-L2,-L3. See problem 87.

Example 7.6.

Let V=Sym2(3) be the symmetric square of the standard representation. The rules for calculating the weights of V are the same as for 𝔰𝔩2, — so, for the symmetric square, we add all unordered pairs of weights of 3. For details see section 7.5 The weights of 3 are {L1,L2,L3} and so the weights of Sym2(3) are


Note that, if we wanted, we could also write Li+L2=-L3 etc.

Example 7.7.

Let V=𝔤 with the adjoint representation defined by ρ(X)Y=[X,Y]. As already observed, we have


for H𝔥 and ij, while [H,H]=0 for H,H𝔥. Thus the weights of the adjoint representation are Li-Lj (ij) and 0. The weight space for 0 is 𝔥, which has dimension two with basis H12 and H23; we say that the weight 0 has multiplicity two in V. We obtain table 6.

WeightWeight space basis\ldelim.20mm\ldelim.30mmL1-L2E12\rdelim}3*Positive roots\rdelim}2*Simple rootsL2-L3E23L1-L3E13\ldelim.30mmL2-L1E21\rdelim}3*Negative rootsL3-L2E32L3-L1E310H12,H13
Table 6: Weights of the adjoint representation
Definition 7.8.

A root of 𝔤=𝔰𝔩3, is a nonzero weight of the adjoint representation. A root vector is a weight vector of a root, and a root space is the weight space of a root.

In other words, a root α with root vector 0E𝔤 is a nonzero element α𝔥* such that


We write


for the set of roots of 𝔰𝔩3,. Out of these, we call Φ+={L1-L2,L2-L3,L1-L3} the positive roots and Φ-={L2-L1,L3-L2,L3-L1} the negative roots. We write Δ={L1-L2,L2-L3}; these are the simple roots. Note that L1-L3 is the sum of the two simple roots. We will sometimes write αij for the root Li-Lj.

Finally, we have the root space or Cartan decomposition


where the 𝔤α are the root spaces, which are all one-dimensional.

Exercise 7.9.

Work through all the above theory in the case of 𝔰𝔩2. What are the roots and root spaces? What is the relation between the weights (as linear functionals on 𝔥) and between the weights defined in section 6?