Differential Geometry III

Michaelmas 2013

Time: Tue 17:00; Th 14:00
Place: E005
Instructor: Pavel Tumarkin
e-mail: pavel dot tumarkin at durham dot ac dot uk
Office: CM110; Phone: 334-3085
Office hours: Tue 15:00 -- 16:00 and by appointment

Textbooks: The following is a list of books on which the lectures are based. Although we will not follow any of these books strictly, the material can be found in them.

Preliminary course content (subject to change): Plane and space curves, arc length, tangent and normal vectors, curvature, local and global properties; embedded surfaces, tangent planes, curves on surfaces; intrinsic geometry of a surface, metric, length, area, first fundamental form; maps between surfaces, Gauss map.


  • Week 1: Introduction and overview of the course, idea of curvature of a curve and surface; definition of a curve, trace, tangent vector, regular curve, length of a curve, examples
  • Week 2: Arc length, existence of arc length parametrization, examples; tangent and normal vectors, curvature of a plane curve
  • Week 3: Vertices and inflection points of plane curves, four vertex theorem, fundamental theorem of local theory of plane curves; radius and center of curvature, evolute and involute of a plane curve
  • Week 4: Problems class; space curves, principal normal vector, binormal vector, curvature, torsion, Serret-Frenet equations, curvature and torsion for unit speed space curves
  • Week 5: Curvature and torsion for non unit speed space curves, geometric meaning of curvature and torsion, fundamental theorem of local theory of space curves; local canonical form of space curves, open sets in R^n, smooth maps R^n -> R^m, Jacobi matrix, differential
  • Week 6: Implicit function theorem; parametrized surfaces in Euclidean space, regular surfaces as level sets, examples
  • Week 7: Regular values, regular surfaces as level sets; change of parameters, special surfaces: surfaces of revolution, canal surfaces, ruled surfaces; tangent vectors and tangent plane
  • Week 8: Tangent vector and tangent plane. Problems class
  • Week 9: First fundamental form, coefficients of the first fundamental form; arc length of a curve on a surface, metric, coordinate curves and angles
  • Week 10: Area of subsets of surfaces, calculation in terms of the coefficients of the first fundamental form, examples; smooth maps between surfaces, the Gauss map

    Homeworks: There will be weekly homework assignments. Selected exercises are to be handed in on weeks 3, 5, 7, and 9